
Showing posts from June, 2017

Nket Godwin emerged the third runner up of Nibstears Poetry Contest

There's nothing as good as seeing that each morning you grow a bit than the way you were the previous nights. This is philosophically called greatness. My sincere gratitude goes straight to Poetloaded Akinwemimo Idris, and Nibstears family for their kind efforts in promoting poetry, thereby carrying all buddingpoets on the same river. My appreciation, sir, Poetloaded Akinwemimo Idris, For your recommendable effort.

Nket Godwin's Poem

WHEN NIGHT COMES I bear the day's glaring shadows, Wishing the night never drapes These swivelling ankles to creep, As I played with the moths and bees, Wishing mosquitoes never filmed This housefly-like cottage within. Will night evade this youthful day? Will these flailing toes turn toddler Wading with cringed tricycle again? Will I see my brother's shadow Instead of that firefly-like face of Youth embracing gaudy handshake? The night is a market woman's basket, With many faceted faces of ingredients; Its approach is a scourge to the soul: Flies wandered in sleep, while mosquitoes Evade the playground with eerie hums, And dream wrestled with dreamers. ©Nket Godwin

Nket Godwin's Poem, for independence day.

APHORISM To rise between ashes Of web-palm patches, With waving chants Of triumphant plants In hegemonic spasm, That's a nation's aphorism! ©Nket Godwin.

Nket Godwin's Poem

HOPEFUL, NOT HOPELESS The heavy rain wail weirdly, The thunder growl and clang, Still the little bird is underneath The little sheltered tree. Flowers wear, nor taste no delicacies Flood flail and torment their light roots, Yet its petals paint rainbow beauty, Glistening gaily green grandeur colours. Men made in His carbon copy Still stress strenuous zeal for faith, For their hearts bear it a bitter burden, Lacking the oomph of a beloved progeny. Oh mortal man dew-drench not your lids, Like grasses in night and morning fate! For your love have no waist for girth, Nature's a fragment only to be found in it. Shiver not, for your tornadoes are His zephyr, Nor will tsunami wage weary wrath on your oar; Cast the dangling litters that make you mad ashore, Yet let faith be as gaudy white as avalanche snow! ©Nket Godwin